New Book Release
This is what it would look like if Louis L’Amour and Stephen King collaborated on a story.

When a lonely, frail, elderly man discovers an old, leather-covered book in the local used bookstore, he doesn’t know what to think about it at first. It appears to be a Western, which is what he prefers to read, but it is unlike any book he has ever seen before. There is no author; no copyright; no publisher; only the title in gold letters printed across the cracked and faded leather of the binding – “The Book of Life.” After taking it home and starting to read it, he soon discovers a supernatural connection between him and the mysterious book.
You can read my short story, The Book of Life, now, in the inaugural edition of the Starlite Pulp Review. This is what it would look like if Louis L’Amour and Stephen King collaborated on a story. It’s actually two stories in one; a classic Western wrapped in a supernatural thriller. Available through Amazon or directly from the publisher.